Here We Grow Again!

In March 2015, the U.S. Census Bureau released its latest population figures for the nation. The data used by the agency, to demonstrate what area’s of the country had shown population growth or decline, was gathered between July 2013 and July 2014.

Well, two Southwest Florida counties shined brightly in the report. In fact, they made the list of the Top 10 fastest growing counties in the country.

According to the U.S. Census Bureau, Lee County added 18,177 new residents between July 2013 and July 2014. That’s an increase in population of 2.7 percent. Those numbers placed Lee County as the 6th fastest growing county in the nation.

Collier County also made the impressive list. During the same time period, it added 8,671 new residents for an increase in population of 2.5 percent. That placed Collier in the #10 slot nationally.

The news really didn’t surprise us all that much. Those new residents need a roof over their heads and many of our clients are real estate developers and home builders. They saw it coming and planned accordingly. So did we.

So, welcome new residents. We’re glad your here. Enjoy your time in the U.S. Census Bureau limelight. Just keep in mind – the next time the agency releases its latest figures – thousands more will have arrived in our corner of paradise. And you’ll no longer be the newbie.